Philip Mueller's Artworks are guests of Carbon 12 Gallery Dubai - Photos

ArtDayMe: The Black Flags of Medea is the name of newest artworks of Philip Mueller in Carbon 12 gallery. Philip Mueller has provided a different installation ways . He painted horses on gallery’s walls that provide a better understanding of his artworks to the audience. He wants to put viewers on own world. You have a chance to visit this exhibition in carbon 12 gallery till 29 January 2024. The Black Flags of Medea encapsulates a fundamental stage in the journey Philip Mueller's characters undergo. After countless summers spent chasing some semblance of fulfilment, a dull ache has harbored in the pits of their very being. Unanswered questions loom large, demanding resolution. The exhibition revolves around this search for meaning, reflecting a period of introspection. Best known for the dark, surreal universe of his paintings, Philip Mueller also produces sculpture, installation, and performance work, and has explored subjects as diverse as pop culture icons, Icelandic shamans, and members of TV’s Addams Family. Painting with various techniques and brushstrokes, Mueller characterizes his style as “romantic-anarchical, complex, and greedy,” and has said: “My work is a constant trial of giving an imaginable coexistence to the extremes society creates.” Carbon 12 gallery is located at Alserkal Avenue.


Philip Mueller's Artworks are guests of Carbon 12 Gallery Dubai - Photos

ArtDayMe: The Black Flags of Medea is the name of newest artworks of Philip Mueller in Carbon 12 gallery. Philip Mueller has provided a different installation ways . He painted horses on gallery’s walls that provide a better understanding of his artworks to the audience. He wants to put viewers on own world. You have a chance to visit this exhibition in carbon 12 gallery till 29 January 2024. The Black Flags of Medea encapsulates a fundamental stage in the journey Philip Mueller's characters undergo. After countless summers spent chasing some semblance of fulfilment, a dull ache has harbored in the pits of their very being. Unanswered questions loom large, demanding resolution. The exhibition revolves around this search for meaning, reflecting a period of introspection. Best known for the dark, surreal universe of his paintings, Philip Mueller also produces sculpture, installation, and performance work, and has explored subjects as diverse as pop culture icons, Icelandic shamans, and members of TV’s Addams Family. Painting with various techniques and brushstrokes, Mueller characterizes his style as “romantic-anarchical, complex, and greedy,” and has said: “My work is a constant trial of giving an imaginable coexistence to the extremes society creates.” Carbon 12 gallery is located at Alserkal Avenue.